Happy Belated Easter!

For Easter, we went back to Sedalia and celebrated at Gigi's.  The Easter Bunny obviously had a microchip on Rowan because he knew right where we'd be!  Rowan loved everything Gigi had picked out and still says his favorite thing from the "Easter Bunny" was his bubble mower.  We slipped up later that week and said Gigi got it for him and he corrected us saying "Gigi didn't get me my mower- the Easter Bunny did!"  Afterwards we had an egg hunt.  It went much quicker this year than it had last year!  He was a pro and couldn't wait to see whether there would be cars or candy inside.  After the egg hunt, we had an amazing lunch.  Rowan swore the ham was cut up hot dog and had seconds of the green beans.  

That evening we headed back home.  Although Rowan was pleased the Easter Bunny had made a stop by our house too, he was cranky and tired after we had to wake him from his only short nap of the day that he had taken in the car.  He checked out a few things in his basket and loved the Where the Wild Things Are Puzzle.  The rest would have to wait until the next day when we were a little bit better rested! 


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