A Birthday and a BIG Surprise!

On Sat., April 10th we traveled to Wichita for Miss Ellie's 2nd Birthday Party.  Rowan was so excited to go on this adventure- he definitely knows what "party" means and couldn't wait!  Ellie's mommy Kim didn't disappoint- it was an adorable Minnie Mouse theme with food and fun galore! 
LOVED the cake!
It was a beautiful day and Kim had the bubble machine set out.  Rowan had never seen something so amazing!  He was in awe as he literally chased the bubbles for almost an hour.

A little hot and out of breath!

Too many to keep track of!

My tired, sweaty boy!
So we had already met Sloane at the hospital, but Rowan didn't have a lot of patience that night.  Well at the party he couldn't get enough of her- stroking her head, going to watch her sleep in her carrier in the other room, talking about her all the way home.  He was so in love with her!  It was fantastic to see, especially considering the one we have on the way.  I can only hope he'll be that receptive and entranced by our little one! 
The next day was a long one.  Lots of work in the yard and around the house and help from Grandpa and Grandma.  Late afternoon Josh got around to putting together Rowan's train set.  We were successfully able to keep him away the entire time.  I wish I would've had out the video camera instead of the camera when he entered his room that night!  He loves his new train set.  Josh found it at Toys R Us one Sunday- price slashed- but I think full price would've even been worth it.  Rowan's face lit up.  When I asked him if he liked it he exclaimed "Oh Mommy, I love it!"  My little drama king.  Let's just say it was definitely a chore getting him to bed that night (Rowan and Josh)! 


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