So I have been so horrible about posting the last couple of months and I'm blaming it on my first trimester! For those of you who haven't heard, we're expecting a new little one at the beginning of October. This pregnancy has definitely been "different" than when I was pregnant with Rowan. Constant nausea that I thought would never end. However, I'm now at 13 weeks and a couple of weeks ago things started looking up. We are so unbelievably excited, Rowan maybe more than anyone else! He asks to look at my belly probably 5-6 times a day and often hugs or kisses it. He sings to the baby every night and MUST tell it goodnight. We went and saw Stephanie and baby Sloane, and since then he often exclaims "I can't wait to see the baby!" It cracks me up how expressive he is. He often tells us that he loves us, only to follow it up with "but I love the baby most!" He says he is going to be the best Big Brother and plans to read to it, feed it a bottle, and help change its diapers (we'll see how long that lasts)! I ordered his shirt from Etsy from the same lady that did his Birthday shirt and it was perfect.

In Feb., Rowan came with me to get my haircut and ended up getting his cut as well. His curls were out of control so I was so glad! We were amazed by how well he did sitting still for Randa. He let her cut with the scissors and clippers- the bribe of a sucker afterwards may have helped! He definitely looked like a big boy at the end of the night. Even he kept checking himself out in the mirror!

Josh's newest discovery: Zonkers at the mall. For a $6 wristband, he and Rowan can ride on the train, carousel, rollercoaster, etc. Not to mention all of the play equipment that's free. Rowan absolutely loves the rollercoaster and rides it multiple times in a row. I couldn't believe my little boy would step foot near it once I saw it's size in person- it's definitely not meant for toddlers, but he has no fear. He looks so serious while he rides that you can't determine whether or not he likes it. Then at the end, he'll ask if he can stay on and go again! He also loves picking out his horse on the carousel and riding in the last cart on the train.
I am really going to get back into posting more now that I'm feeling better and can't wait to post about Easter. I love having all of the memories written down so that I don't forget all of the hiLarious things Rowan says and does.
2 recent examples: About a week ago I was eating a bowl of cereal. Rowan asked me what it was and I said Cocoa Puffs. His eyes lit up and said "like in the My Humps song!" He especially LOVES Fergie and Will I Am and can pick their voices out in any song. Then last night we made twice baked potatoes. We shared two of them and Rowan loved them. He gave me a kiss and said "Mommy, you are a a good cooker!" I laughed so hard. Sweet compliment, but really I was just impressed at how he knew to put the -er at the end of the word to make it a noun instead of a verb. He truly amazes me everyday.