Snow Fun!

Christmas weekend gave us a huge opportunity to have Rowan really experience the snow for the first time.  He was so amazed by the white stuff and all you could do with it.  He wasn't the only first timer-Remi had never seen the snow either and had a blast.  Rowan HATED his snow boots.  They were too big, too small, and too everything else he could think of to get us to take them off!  When he finally understood that he couldn't play in the snow without them, he gave in.  I had to laugh when we got everything on him- visions of Ralphie's younger brother in "A Christmas Story" came to mind!  Hilarious!  Rowan's favorite thing was sledding (in the yard and in the street)-thanks Terri and Kristine!  

There were plenty of tears when Josh said it was time to come in.  A chance to play in a warm bath helped!  It was during this particular bath that Rowan announced that he could swim in the tub!  Maybe that means we'll be brave enough to return to swimming lessons this summer!


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